The following lists are some of the published works of Greg and Jim with links to photos.
Greg Clark and Jim Frise
- Which We Did (1936)
- So What? (1937)
- The Best of Greg Clark & Jimmie Frise (1977)
- Silver Linings (1978)
- Greg Clark & Jimmie Frise Outdoors (1979)
- Greg Clark & Jimmie Frise Go Fishing (1980)
Greg Clark (stories)
- Best of Gregory Clark (1959)
- Greg’s Choice (1961)
- Hi There! (1963)
- Gregory Clark War Stories (1964)
- May Your First Love Be Your Last (1969)
- A Bar’l of Apples (1971)
- Outdoors with Gregory Clark (1971)
- The Bird of Promise (1973)
- Grandma Preferred Steak (1974)
- Fishing with Greg Clark (1975)
- Things That Go Squeak in the Night (1976)
- Ten Cents off Per Dozen (1979)
- A Supersonic Day (1980)
Greg Clark (contributions)
- Let’s Face The Facts (1941) – transcription of a 1940 series of radio broadcasts on CBC. These were pro-War broadcasts by Canadians, British, and Americans outlining the importance of the war, and perhaps trying to convince Americans that they should join.
- With Rod and Reel in Canada (1947) – Canadian Government Travel Bureau guide to fishing.
- Game Fish in Canada (1955) – a modified version of the 1947 booklet.
- The Face of Canada (1959) – this is a general introduction to Canada and includes the chapter “Loyal She Began” about Ontario.
Jim Frise (illustrations)
- Battery Action! the Story of the 43rd Battery (1919 – reprinted 2002) by Hugh R. Kay, George Magee, F.A. Maclennan
- Sir Toby’s Lampoons and Laments (1932) by John M. Copeland
- Wolves Don’t Bite: Joyous Tales of Algoma (1940) by J. W. Curran
- Skillet Skills for Camp and Cottage (1947) by Jack Hambleton (Booklet sponsored by KLIM powdered milk, including recipes)
- Birdseye Center (1965) by Jimmy Frise
- The First Great War as seen by Jimmy Frise (1972) The 43rd Battery Association
Other Publications
- The Life and Times of Greg Clark (1981) by Jock Carroll
- Hogan’s Alley #14 (2006), “Jimmy Frise, Canada’s Neglected Cartoonist” by Kenneth Barker