The Work of Greg Clark and Jimmie Frise

Category: Illustration Page 1 of 13


January 23, 1926

This comic appeared with an article by C.R. Greenaway about experts deriding old-fashioned grandmotherly advice about babies or children.

Tight Money

January 8, 1921

This illustration accompanied an article by Stephen Leacock about financial crises.

Waifs of a Winter Night Find Police Cellar a Better ‘Ole

January 3, 1925

This illustration accompanied a story by Fred Griffin about the homeless sleeping at the police station to stay warm. This was before the Great Depression when “hobos” were less common. The “better ‘ole” is in reference to Bruce Bairnsfather’s famous “Better ‘Ole” comic from World War 1.

Christmas Cards

Image source: Ken R. Johnson

The above image is a card that would be handed out by Toronto Star Carriers to their subscribers. The red “V” on the carrier’s box would be for “Victory” so this card is likely from World War 2.

Below is a sample of one created by Jim for the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC).

Dogs Give Me the Willies

December 5, 1931

These images accompanied a story by Caesar Smith about how he got a dog.

December 5, 1931

Pigs in the Beauty Parlor

October 15, 1927

This is an illustration to accompany a story by Fred Griffin about preparing animals for a fair.

The Mascot Hound

October 7, 1922

This illustration accompanied an article by Douglas Eppes about horse racing.

Mr. and Mrs. Beg to Announce—

September 15, 1928

This comic accompanied a story by Caesar Smith about acquiring a new car. In the 1920s, it was not uncommon for someone’s purchase to be scrutinized by the neighborhood. This resulted in the humourous story about a new car being like the arrival of a new baby.

Hair Grows Best in Hay Time

August 21, 1926

This is an illustration that accompanied a story by Caesar Smith.

Almond Paste and Yawls

August 12, 1933

These images appeared with a story by Ralph Brewster about odd inventions.

August 12, 1933
August 12, 1933
August 12, 1933

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